Articles in this series
Most of the current Online Bond Platforms (OBPs) started their business during or after the pandemic. The reason was simple: more people were looking...
In November 2022, SEBI released the OBPP circular to regulate the debt investing space in India. Before this circular, most platforms operated in an...
Tap Invest (formerly known as Leaf Round) is one of the fastest growing fintech platforms focusing on Fixed Income investments. Starting out purely as...
OBPP stands for Online Bond Platform Providers and Aspero along with its related company Yubi is probably the largest player in this space. They have...
The Litigation Financing Powerhouse In The Making · Litigation Financing is pretty old and established model of investment in western countries. Major...
OBPP stands for Online Bond Platform Providers, a new framework brought in by SEBI in Nov 2022 and Grip Invest is one of the significant players in...