Policies, Terms, and Disclaimers

Policies, Terms, and Disclaimers

AltInvestor Research LLP is not registered with SEBI in any capacity and is currently in the process of applying for a SEBI Registered Research Analyst license, with its registered office at Flat No. 106, II Floor, New Asiatic Building, H Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.

This website and brand "AltInvestor" is owned and operated by AltInvestor Research LLP.

Grievance Officer Details: Name: Yash Roongta, Email: compliance@thealtinvestor.in, Contact: +91 9819710520

Investor Grievance ID: support@thealtinvestor.in

Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM does not guarantee the intermediary's performance or provide any assurance of returns to investors. We provide fundamental and technical reports, including charts and other technical tools, to identify market patterns and offer insights into past trading trends and expectations for future market conditions.

"Investment in securities market involves market risks. Before making any investment, kindly read all related documents carefully." 

While the information and views presented in our reports, videos, blogs and through our services ("Research Information") are believed to be reliable, we do not assert or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information contained in our Research Information. We strongly advise investors and clients to independently assess the market conditions and risks before making any trading or investment decisions. We prepare our reports, information, and opinions, and may be subject to change without notice. The content is strictly confidential and intended solely for the selected recipient. It may not be altered, transmitted, copied, distributed, in part or in whole, to any other person, or media, or reproduced without our prior written consent. The information in the report is derived from publicly available data, which we believe to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Past performance should not be considered an indication or guarantee of future performance. We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding future performance reports including analyses and views from our research team.

It is purely for informational purposes and does not constitute investment recommendations or advice, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. The opinions expressed in the report represent our current opinions as of the report's date and may change without notice.

We, or any individuals associated with us, do not accept any liability arising from using this document.

Investors should not rely solely on the information in this report and must make investment decisions based on their investment objectives, judgement, risk profile, and financial position. We encourage you to seek professional advice before acting on this information.

We confirm that no material disciplinary action has been taken against us by any regulatory authority affecting Research Activities. By accessing our website at altinvestor.in, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be legally bound by the terms of this disclaimer and user agreement.

We subject ourselves to the jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi, India. If you disagree with any of our disclaimers, please don't read the material on our pages. This website and its contents is primarily intended for users in India. While access for users outside India is not denied, our website at altinvestor.in bears no legal liabilities beyond the laws of India.

We reserve the right to make changes to our disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time.

AltInvestor Research LLP is not registered with SEBI in any capacity and is currently in the process of applying for a SEBI Registered Research Analyst license, with its registered office at Flat No. 106, II Floor, New Asiatic Building, H Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.

This website and brand "AltInvestor" is owned and operated by AltInvestor Research LLP.

Grievance Officer Details: Name: Yash Roongta, Email: compliance@thealtinvestor.in, Contact: +91 9819710520

Investor Grievance ID: support@thealtinvestor.in

Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM does not guarantee the intermediary's performance or provide any assurance of returns to investors. We provide fundamental and technical reports, including charts and other technical tools, to identify market patterns and offer insights into past trading trends and expectations for future market conditions.

"Investment in securities market involves market risks. Before making any investment, kindly read all related documents carefully." 

While the information and views presented in our reports, videos, blogs and through our services ("Research Information") are believed to be reliable, we do not assert or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information contained in our Research Information. We strongly advise investors and clients to independently assess the market conditions and risks before making any trading or investment decisions. We prepare our reports, information, and opinions, and may be subject to change without notice. The content is strictly confidential and intended solely for the selected recipient. It may not be altered, transmitted, copied, distributed, in part or in whole, to any other person, or media, or reproduced without our prior written consent. The information in the report is derived from publicly available data, which we believe to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Past performance should not be considered an indication or guarantee of future performance. We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding future performance reports including analyses and views from our research team.

It is purely for informational purposes and does not constitute investment recommendations or advice, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. The opinions expressed in the report represent our current opinions as of the report's date and may change without notice.

We, or any individuals associated with us, do not accept any liability arising from using this document.

Investors should not rely solely on the information in this report and must make investment decisions based on their investment objectives, judgement, risk profile, and financial position. We encourage you to seek professional advice before acting on this information.

We confirm that no material disciplinary action has been taken against us by any regulatory authority affecting Research Activities. By accessing our website at altinvestor.in, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be legally bound by the terms of this disclaimer and user agreement.

We subject ourselves to the jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi, India. If you disagree with any of our disclaimers, please don't read the material on our pages. This website and its contents is primarily intended for users in India. While access for users outside India is not denied, our website at altinvestor.in bears no legal liabilities beyond the laws of India.

We reserve the right to make changes to our disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time.

AltInvestor Research LLP is not registered with SEBI in any capacity and is currently in the process of applying for a SEBI Registered Research Analyst license, with its registered office at Flat No. 106, II Floor, New Asiatic Building, H Block, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001.

This website and brand "AltInvestor" is owned and operated by AltInvestor Research LLP.

Grievance Officer Details: Name: Yash Roongta, Email: compliance@thealtinvestor.in, Contact: +91 9819710520

Investor Grievance ID: support@thealtinvestor.in

Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM does not guarantee the intermediary's performance or provide any assurance of returns to investors. We provide fundamental and technical reports, including charts and other technical tools, to identify market patterns and offer insights into past trading trends and expectations for future market conditions.

"Investment in securities market involves market risks. Before making any investment, kindly read all related documents carefully." 

While the information and views presented in our reports, videos, blogs and through our services ("Research Information") are believed to be reliable, we do not assert or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information contained in our Research Information. We strongly advise investors and clients to independently assess the market conditions and risks before making any trading or investment decisions. We prepare our reports, information, and opinions, and may be subject to change without notice. The content is strictly confidential and intended solely for the selected recipient. It may not be altered, transmitted, copied, distributed, in part or in whole, to any other person, or media, or reproduced without our prior written consent. The information in the report is derived from publicly available data, which we believe to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Past performance should not be considered an indication or guarantee of future performance. We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding future performance reports including analyses and views from our research team.

It is purely for informational purposes and does not constitute investment recommendations or advice, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. The opinions expressed in the report represent our current opinions as of the report's date and may change without notice.

We, or any individuals associated with us, do not accept any liability arising from using this document.

Investors should not rely solely on the information in this report and must make investment decisions based on their investment objectives, judgement, risk profile, and financial position. We encourage you to seek professional advice before acting on this information.

We confirm that no material disciplinary action has been taken against us by any regulatory authority affecting Research Activities. By accessing our website at altinvestor.in, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to be legally bound by the terms of this disclaimer and user agreement.

We subject ourselves to the jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi, India. If you disagree with any of our disclaimers, please don't read the material on our pages. This website and its contents is primarily intended for users in India. While access for users outside India is not denied, our website at altinvestor.in bears no legal liabilities beyond the laws of India.

We reserve the right to make changes to our disclaimers, terms, and conditions at any time.